Our integration mission
Genèveroule for integration
Socio-professional integration is an integral part of all the activities developed by the Genèveroule association. With a wide variety of profiles, origins and statuses, the employees of Genèveroule contribute to the influence of the association with their skills, their commitment and their experience.
Genèveroule’s strategy is based on three axes : professional practice, training and integration advice. We are convinced that the combination of these three axes allows each beneficiary to progress in their integration process. Obtaining a work certificate, a certificate of competence and a revised and ready-to-use application file all contribute to developing a person’s ability to achieve their integration goal.
Genèveroule’s integration practices are organised in close collaboration with the Cantonal Employment Office, the Hospice General, the Bureau for the Integration of Foreigners and Geneva’s institutions active in integration.

Our labels
Our publications
The challenges of professional integration of refugees and asylum seekers in French-speaking Switzerland : the experience of Genèveroule
Une analyse de Kristela Tepelena, sociologue et collaboratrice au Conseil emploi de Genèveroule
5 May 2022
Who can benefit?
Genèveroule offers a benevolent integration space for many profiles of beneficiaries over periods ranging from a few days for the observation and discovery internships to several years for the Solidarity Jobs.
Apprentices and pre-apprentices
People receiving benefits from the Hospice général, asylum seekers and refugees
Unemployed persons within labour market measure or the PPE+ programme, in collaboration with the Office cantonal de l’emploi
People on Solidarity Employment (EdS), in collaboration with the Service d’aide au retour à l’emploi
Trainees via the social offices of our partner municipalities
People undergoing AI retraining
Young people in vocational guidance or people in retraining
People doing community service
Trainee pré-HETS
Trainee from our institutional partners
A wide range of professions
The professional practice is carried out in the following sectors :
- rental shops and bicycle lending sites
- mechanical workshops
- administration
- accounting
- human resources
- logistics
- informatics
- cleaning
Personalized support is offered to each employee in the performance of their tasks and according to their needs.

Genèveroule, winner of the
“Un job pour les jeunes” price
It is with great emotion, recognition and pride that Genèveroule received in November 2021 the prize “Un job pour les jeunes” from the Société genevoise d’utilité publique.
This prize is awarded each year to an institution that works concretely for the employment of young people. In 2021, Genèveroule welcomed more than 70 young people for apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, student jobs or observation and discovery placements. This award encourages us to continue our work in this direction and to give maximum opportunities to the new generations!

Photo from left to right : Edouard Coquoz, a dentist who received the Robert-Scheimbet prize from the SGUP for his voluntary work at the Point d’eau ; Christian Huber, President of the SGUP ; Yann Grand, Directeur of Genèveroule.